Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm Pregnant!

On December 27th the day after my 31st birthday we found out that I was pregnant! We were in WV visiting my family for Christmas. I was at my sisters house and finally remembered to take the pregnancy test, I had forgotten 3 days in a row! I used the first response early response test. As I was doing my makeup I finally looked at the test only to see that it was positive! I was stunned and shaking like crazy! We had been trying for over a year and was completely thrilled and shocked! I ran upstairs pregnancy test in hand, straight upstairs to tell my husband. Of course he was using the bathroom and I just could not wait to tell him! It felt like ages before he finally came out! We are both soo happy!

Now for the fun ways we told our families:

The first person we told was my Twin sister Libby. I had to tell her first because she told me first about her first baby. She lives all the way in South Carolina so unfortunately I had to tell her either on the phone or on video chat. News like this I felt should be done via video chat. I let her tell me how her doctors appointment went and then finally said "The reason I called was to tell you about the test I had to take." She was sort of confused but got it right away she was so excited she started crying, then I started crying. It was wonderful :) She was 7 months pregnant at the time with her second child so we are excited to have kids so close in age! The next to tell were my parents. There are these amazing chocolate covered pretzels from a little shop in Pa called Unique Pretzels every Christmas we bring a tin to my family because they are so amazing! Well we put the pregnancy test in an envelope and put it in the tin of pretzels. (Which were sealed in plastic). When my Mom opened the tin she was so excited about the pretzels she didn't even read the envelope that said "OPEN ME", once directed to do so she started jumping up and down screaming! Next then my dad, we just handed him the test he was so happy Im pretty sure he got a little teary eyed. Next to tell was my Niece because my other sister had to work till later. We were all sitting around the table playing play dough with my 2 nephews. I made a pregnant person out of my play dough and said "Look Tori its me!" Took her a min. but she was sooo excited also. Next on the list to tell was my older sister Ella. She finally made it home from work and was having car problems. I had taken and old white shirt and wrote "Hi, Aunt Ella" on my tummy and put a shirt on over top of it. While she was telling her story I took off my outer shirt and just waited for her to notice. Her face was priceless!

Since we were away visiting my family we had to wait to tell my husbands family. We wanted to make sure it was really special for them because this will be there first grand baby. Its my parents lucky number 7! We went and found "I love my grandma", "I Love my grandpa", and "I love my Uncle" bibs and I made them open them at the same time by telling them I had sewed something for them. They are ecstatic! I don't think it has really sunk in for them until I start showing. We had so much fun telling everyone!

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