Monday, March 17, 2014

Caleb is 18 months old!

Caleb is 18 months old! Where has the time gone?  He is growing by leaps and bounds. I swear every day he learns something new or teaches me he knows way more than I've been lead to believe. :) Our newest feat is talking. It started out slow with On, Up, then out of no where "Applesauce", Yup thats right "Applesauce", he loves the stuff for dinner and I was making dinner while he was eating some pasta. He looked at me and said "Babblesauce" I'm like what in the world is that. He said it a few more times than I was like OH You mean Applesauce. He began to shake his head yes very fast. LOL Since then it has open his vocabulary up drastically. He can say Applesauce, Apple Juice, Apple, on, up, huh, hmmmm, "ody", which eventually turned into Rhody, Bird, Ice, Momma, and few more I'm sure i'm not thinking of.  When I'm working with a word and he tries to say it at first he will say "Apple". LOL it's so funny!

    He still is a goat, Thats what I call him. He climbs EVERYTHING. It's insane. I didn't know children could have such amazing balance. He will stand right on the seat to his 4 wheeler like its nothing.

 He still loves books. His new favorite is, The little blue truck who led the way. He seriously loves this book series. Tim and I have them both memorized!

We are all just waiting for spring to arrive. It has been a very very cold snowy winter. Which I've enjoyed. However, enough is enough! Bring on parks, ice cream, snow cones, and bubbles!!