Caleb is 17 months old and he has just gotten so big. His favorite things are reading book after book. He is learning pictures by sight and the only one he gets right every time is Cheese. His favorite food! He has become quite picky. He only likes to eat spaghetti or alfredo with applesauce for dinner we continue to try new foods and end up having to toss them. He still loves turkey sticks for lunch and he loves cheese and crackers and chocolate chip muffins for snack. Lucky he still likes to eat fruits and veggies (in a pouch) for a snack and he still loves yogurt.
He is pretty much into everything and climbs on everything! I call him my little goat! He loves playing with us and reading books with us. He dances all the time and loves to run. We've have had quite a few snow storms so he hasn't been able to go and play much. This picture to the left is only the second time he's gotten to play in the snow. He loved just walking around in it and letting it crunch under his feet. We also built his first snowman and he didn't really care for it. Although, he did think it was funny.
We did go to the library and he hated it. He freaked out and started crying until I took him out into the library where he could just play. He LOVES the kitchen and even played with a few other kids. But for some reason singing and story time he screams. I have no idea. It is every wednesday so we'll try again. Either way I so love my time with this sweet boy. He is so funny because he will copy what you do. He also knows hes funny and will laugh with you. I just love this kid. Below is Caleb trying to say "Grandma" When you say her name he runs to her picture. It is so adorable.