Monday, October 6, 2014

Caleb turned 2!

 I've been such a slacker with my updates. Now that he's getting older. I'll be doing updates when I can, because lets face it if he sees me on the computer, he pulls my hands off the keyboard. Like hes doing right now!

Caleb is obsessed with a few things right now. Trains, bubbles, and Cookies. Now trains and bubbles are normal, cookies however is just the word not the snack. He has named his blocks "Cookies" and he must go to bed with cookies and his train book! Then he reads until he gets sleepy.

Caleb still loves his books. We read about 8, several times everyday before he goes to bed. He just loves them and can't get enough.

So many things have changed since he turned 18 months. His speech is improving everyday. He's always saying things I had no idea he was able to. The icecream truck drove by and he looked at me and said "Here come=]
= icecream truck!", he said it twice! Shocked me and my Mother in law, who was sitting right here with us!

He changes every week, its really amazing to see. We've been doing more crafts lately because he seems to enjoy it. 

For his birthday we gave people the option to contribute to his college fund. So I started him a journal so when he gets older he'll know exactly who gave him what. 

This was his birthday present from us, Tim's brother, and Tim's parents. He loves the swings and he's not too sure about the twisty slide he'll like it as he gets older.

Okay, guess I better wrap this up because he's getting impatient.  I'll end with a video.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Caleb is 18 months old!

Caleb is 18 months old! Where has the time gone?  He is growing by leaps and bounds. I swear every day he learns something new or teaches me he knows way more than I've been lead to believe. :) Our newest feat is talking. It started out slow with On, Up, then out of no where "Applesauce", Yup thats right "Applesauce", he loves the stuff for dinner and I was making dinner while he was eating some pasta. He looked at me and said "Babblesauce" I'm like what in the world is that. He said it a few more times than I was like OH You mean Applesauce. He began to shake his head yes very fast. LOL Since then it has open his vocabulary up drastically. He can say Applesauce, Apple Juice, Apple, on, up, huh, hmmmm, "ody", which eventually turned into Rhody, Bird, Ice, Momma, and few more I'm sure i'm not thinking of.  When I'm working with a word and he tries to say it at first he will say "Apple". LOL it's so funny!

    He still is a goat, Thats what I call him. He climbs EVERYTHING. It's insane. I didn't know children could have such amazing balance. He will stand right on the seat to his 4 wheeler like its nothing.

 He still loves books. His new favorite is, The little blue truck who led the way. He seriously loves this book series. Tim and I have them both memorized!

We are all just waiting for spring to arrive. It has been a very very cold snowy winter. Which I've enjoyed. However, enough is enough! Bring on parks, ice cream, snow cones, and bubbles!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Caleb is 17 months old!

 Caleb is 17 months old and he has just gotten so big. His favorite things are reading book after book. He is learning pictures by sight and the only one he gets right every time is Cheese. His favorite food! He has become quite picky. He only likes to eat spaghetti or alfredo with applesauce for dinner we continue to try new foods and end up having to toss them. He still loves turkey sticks for lunch and he loves cheese and crackers and chocolate chip muffins for snack. Lucky he still likes to eat fruits and veggies (in a pouch) for a snack and he still loves yogurt.

       He is pretty much into everything and climbs on everything! I call him my little goat! He loves playing with us and reading books with us. He dances all the time and loves to run.  We've have had quite a few snow storms so he hasn't been able to go and play much. This picture to the left is only the second time he's gotten to play in the snow. He loved just walking around in it and letting it crunch under his feet. We also built his first snowman and he didn't really care for it. Although, he did think it was funny.

  We did go to the library and he hated it. He freaked out and started crying until I took him out into the library where he could just play. He LOVES the kitchen and even played with a few other kids. But for some reason singing and story time he screams. I have no idea. It is every wednesday so we'll try again.  Either way I so love my time with this sweet boy. He is so funny because he will copy what you do. He also knows hes funny and will laugh with you. I just love this kid.  Below is Caleb trying to say "Grandma" When you say her name he runs to her picture. It is so adorable.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Caleb is 16 months old!

Caleb is 16 months old and I can not believe it. We celebrated it around family at Christmas time which was wonderful. He is growing by leaps and bounds.

He is trying to talk now. Mainly a lot of babble but its pretty constant like he know exactly what he is talking about. Its very cute. We just reply back to him like we know what hes talking about. 
He says yes by shaking his head to tell us yes he does want something. 
He is also now completely off his bottle too. He is the one to tell us this. So at bedtime I rock him then lay him down. 

His favorite foods now are Chocolate milk in the morning. Pear oatmeal but now he is obsessed with Muffins thanks to his cousin Katelyn :) Also, crackers, applesauce, alfredo, spagetti and cheese.
He no longer likes a lot of things. Like carrots and oatmeal. I still constantly reintroduce it however, he still won't eat it. Maybe one day :)

His Molars are coming in now so he has had a fever the last 2 1/2 days. Poor guy. The left one is almost completely in and the right one is trying to break through. He's been running a fever and had a runny nose finally this afternoon it broke so I'm hopeful that it won't come back tonight. He also just got his to teeth beside his bottom front teeth so he now has 8 1/2 teeth.