I can not believe that Caleb is already 9 months old. Where has the time gone? I'll be planing his 1st birthday party soon! Where to begin? There were so many first since my last post. He said Ma ma! He got his first hair cut! He is standing alone! He has taken assisted first steps! So many more first, where to begin...
Caleb was so good while he got his first hair cut. He let them put the cape on and sat still almost the whole time. He also had his first Dum Dum pop which he LOVED. Its only been a few weeks and he needs another hair cut!
He also went to the zoo for the first time. He loved the ducks the most! He laughed so hard as I fed them. It was adorable.
He also learned how to drink from a straw and he loves it. He does soo great with it. He prefers that to a sippy cup so thats what he'll drink water from. He loves being outside looking at plants and trees.
He is also eating finger foods. Well trying to eat them. Hes tried pears, peas, cheerios, and strawberries. He is not a fan of the textures but hes getting used to it. He was not a fan of the peas or cheerios but loved the strawberries. He is learning to pick them up and will get the hang of it.
He is changing so quickly and his personality is really starting to come through. He can say Mama! The video below is from when he said it for the 3rd time. It couldnt have been sweetier. He has even looked at me and said Mama. I dont think there is a better feeling in the world. He just melts my heart! He is now 19.1 lbs and 29" long! He's getting so big! Well until next time. He just woke up from his nap. :)