Thursday, February 21, 2013

Caleb is eating food! WOOT!

We got the all clear from Caleb's GI doctor last wednesday.  He can start on veggies and rice cereal and he can start a new veggie every 5 days.  He's had peas- He does not like at all. Green beans  he likes and Squash - so far his favorite.  I've given him only a little rice cereal because the kind he can eat due to his allergies is Iron fortified and his formula is also iron fortified. Which constipates him so I've very reluctant to give him that quite yet. Either way he is enjoying is new lunch time routine.  They will start to reinterduce dairy and soy back in at 9 months with great hopes that he will tolerate the dairy so we can get past all this!

He weighs 16.5 lbs and is 27" long now.  Hes getting SO big, he loves bouncing in his bouncer. Its definitely one of his favorite things.  We are working on sitting up alone and tummy time. He likes tummy time a little better than he used to, he'll stay on his tummy for about 20+ min now with out bribing him with tv!

He's still as happy as can be. He stays so happy most of the time. He melts my heart. I can not believe that my sweet boy is almost a half year old already! How the time has passed. I just feel so blessed to get to spend this time with him <3!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Caleb is 5 Months old!

Oh how time has be flying by! Caleb is doing very well at last doctors visit he weighted 15lbs and 23 inches. He is developing quite well. He loves to stand, he wants to stand all the time! I'm convinced he'll walk before he crawls! Guess we'll see!  We are battling his poor teeth right now. I just wish one or all would pop through, the poor guy! He's having such a hard time with them and of course the one medicine that works well he cant have because the lactose! UGH!

We've decided that I would be stay at home Mom and my last day of work would be Feb. 1st.  I gave my notice and work called me and offered a position that I can work from home from a few hours in he evening! So I get to be with my boy and make a few extra bucks! I couldn't be happier!

He is such a joy! Anytime anyone takes him from me he looks around looking for me, making sure I dont go any where! I hope he stops that soon, I know I shouldnt be happy about it, but I love being needed.

He truly is such a happy baby! He is so snuggly, loving, happy, and talkative! I know I've a very blessed girl!  He can roll over from tummy to back, which I know he loves because he hates being on his tummy.  He loves bouncing in his jumper and loves giraffes!