Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Caleb is 7 weeks old!

Tummy TIME! Caleb is now 7 weeks old and growing soo fast. He is still having gas issues that we are trying to work through but hes spitting up is a lot less.

He is starting to grow out of his new born clothes.  His 3 month old  clothes are just a little too big for him but I have a feeling he'll be in them before we know it.

He is doing really well holding up is head.  He likes to do tummy time on your chest and not on a flat surface.  It makes him very angry!   He is looking at things more. He really likes his monkey mobile. I just bought him a play gym that should arive today, I think he'll really like it.  We're waiting for him to laugh any day now.  He's full of smiles most of time which we love! Just melts your heart when he smiles at you.

At his last appointment he weighted 10lbs 15 oz and I'd say hes over that now. He's really filling out.  He goes on the 29th for his 2 month appointment and he gets is first shots which I'm not looking forward to.