Sunday, September 30, 2012

Caleb is 1 month old!

Today Caleb is 1 month old!  He is growing so fast I hope i dont forget how amazing he is at every stage and age.  He has been having problems sleeping at night.  I'm hoping to have him on a better schedule soon so I can get some sleep too!  He likes bathes but not getting out. It makes him too cold.  He is still having issues with gas poor little guy. I hate to see him uncomfortable.  

This outfit is his first big boy outfit! He so small we dont have many clothes that fit him so we just bough him some pants the other day.  My sister says he looks just like a cabbage patch kid I had when I was little and he does!!  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Caleb Chase 10 days old

Caleb is now 10 days old and he is doing wonderful, his current weight is 7lbs 4oz and he is eating so much he'll be 8lbs in no time! He is already starting to make eye contact and smiles a lot.  He is very alert for his age. He loves to look around the room at everything!

My incision is healing. Its still pretty sore especially if I forget to take my pain medicine. So Tim sets his alarm to help me keep on track.  My tummy is slowly going down. Still has a ways to go but its looking better.  Its nice to see your toes after several months :) Caleb has started sleeping mostly through the night. I really hope he keeps that up.  He has been such a good baby so far. He only fusses a little when he needs something, other than that he is soo content. Caleb has been such a joy so far I really love being his Mommy.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Caleb Chase 1 week old

Caleb had few little bumps in  the road before coming home from the hospital.  We noticed after his circumcision that he wasn't peeing. The nurses said that he had been so we listened to them.  He kept spitting up every time I fed him which had us really worried. Weigh loss is a given with a newborn but not if its a 10% loss. Caleb had now lost 9% and  we were getting concerned. He now weighted only 6lbs 6oz. They ran some blood work and even did an x-ray to make sure he had no blockages.  Everything came back clear.  On Wednesday early morning I  had just fed him when he let out a blood curdling scream and I didn't know what was wrong.  He had peed all over me, the bed, and himself.  We are quite certain that this was the first time he had gone since before the circumcision on Monday.  After that he started spitting up less, and began to gain a little weight. When we left the hospital on Wednesday afternoon he had already gained .6oz so he was 6lbs 6.5oz.  The following morning he had is first pediatrician appointment.  Caleb ate amazing all through the evening he was home. He slept better and acted like he was all better. The weighted him at the doctors the next morning and he had already gained a few more oz. He was now weighing 6lbs 9oz and we were thrilled! He got a all clear from the doctor. Now a week old he had his 2nd pediatrician appointment and he weighs 7lb 4oz. Hes growing soo fast!

38 weeks and 3 days

On Sunday morning August 26 at around 5:45 am my water broke.  I should have had an idea something was happening because on Saturday I was feeling sooo tired. I literally could not sit up without falling asleep to the point were Rhody was even looking at me with concern. That evening the same thing, still kept falling asleep so I spent most of the evening on the yoga ball and I even ate some fresh pineapple to see if that myth would really work. I was on video chat with my sisters and they were telling me they would be standing by the phone "just in case". So that night we fell asleep at about 11:30pm and I woke up at about 2:30am with terrible contractions. I could hardly move. However, after about 10-20 minutes they slowed down. So back on the yoga ball i went and around 3am I fell back to sleep.  At 5:30 am I then woke up to use the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep, so I was laying in bed playing on my phone. I looked at the time it was 5:43am and I thought "Oh good if my water breaks I can call Libby and tell her because she wanted me to wait until then to tell her because with 2 little ones herself she wouldn't be able to leave in the middle of the night.  No sooner did I think that I felt a "POP" and then a trickle....I was stunned,  I thought...huh did I just pee myself, did he kick me? So I roll out of bed and the trickle gushes so I waddle to the bathroom as I tell Tim I think my water broke! He's already up with phone in hand while I'm sitting on the toilet and I'm like "Are you sure I didn't pee myself?" Tim says "NO way" So I begin rushing around making sure we have everything for our bag while Tim pages the midwife on call. We are still waiting for her to call back and it had been about 30 minuets, still no word from her.  So we page her again and just leave for the hospital. At this point it's almost 7:00am half way to the hospital we still had not heard from the midwife so I called the hospital and find out that they have the wrong midwife on the message so we were paging someone who was not even on call! We arrive at the hospital after Tim ran several red lights :) just because we could I think :)...On the way I called everyone to let them know what was going on. Mom and Ella where already on there way.

We arrive and I'm starting to leak everywhere luckily I did bring an extra towel.  They take me to a room and the midwife arrives about 1.5 hours later they check me and I'm only 2 cm dilated and about 70% effaced so they allow me to walk the halls to help get things moving and I get on the yoga ball. If I had no progression by noon they were going to start pitocin. At that point I still was only 80% and 3cm dilated so the pitocin was started. Mom and Ella showed about around 9:30 they made amazing timing! I was so happy to have them there, with Tim and them there I was well taken care of! Around 2pm I really started feeling some very strong strong contractions. Tim was amazing too, he helped me stay soo calm through the contractions. He rubbed me, encouraged me. He was amazing. Ella was amazing to she really helped me focus to, she kept encouraging me and rubbed me it made for an amazing experience. I want to say around 4pm is when I got the epidural because I just couldn't take the pain any longer. At that point my nurse duty was Katie and she was amazing! She helped keep me still and calm during the epidural through out the evening I had only gotten to 7cm when Caleb started to become distressed every time I had a contraction Caleb's heart rate would dip very low. They tried having me change positions. They added fluid back in to take some pressure off the umbilical cord. They had stopped the pitocin hours earlier to see if that would help. Nothing was working. Finally the doctor came in at about 11pm and said that he felt the safest thing for the baby would be to have a c-section. However, it was up to me and that I could restart the pitocin and see if I would progress further. I was so upset the last thing I wanted was a C-section I was scared to death but I knew it was the safest thing for Caleb. I was really scared with is heart beat dropping so low.

They began prepping me for surgery and getting Tim ready to go in with me.  Off we went. The surgery went much faster than I thought it would. Katie came back with me and held me hand which was really reassuring she has to be one of the best nurses I've ever had before (On a side note when Libby had her c-section with Katelyn her nurses name was also Katie and she came back with her to hold her hand also, what are the odds?!!) . Tim was very supportive he was worried too but he stayed strong. At 12:03am on Monday August 27th he was here. I finally could hear him cry. I started crying, it has to be one of the most amazing things I've ever heard in my life....his cry was soo sweet and I knew he was mine.  All I wanted was to see him. It felt like forever before they let Tim bring him to me to see and he was beautiful. He just stared up at Tim with such a sweet look on his face he didn't cry or anything just snuggled. He is amazing and my life will forever be changed from this moment on. I am so in love with this little person I get to call my own. <3

Apparently the cord was wrapped around his neck. Thats why he was in distress. We are really blessed and thankful that everything turned out okay and our little guy is here and safe and healthy. It was a very scary situation!

Caleb is 38 Weeks!

How far along? 38 weeks
Baby is the size of aPumpkin
Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
Total weight gain: 21lbs
Stretch marks? On the sides of my tummy there are 2 and the one above my belly button.
Sleep: Has been rough.....I've been soo uncomfortable! 
Best moment this week:  We got our car! We got a used 2004 Toyota 4runner and I absolutely love it! It will fit our family perfectly!
Miss Anything: I miss being able to eat a whole meal. I cant seem to eat much at one time anymore. Guess there isn't much room in there for food :) Getting out of bed with out being in pain, sitting for longer than 5 min. makes me crazy stiff. Oh and being able to shave!!! I cant even comfortable paint my toe nails! My mother in law painted my nails for me and so did my cousin Kelsi! :) 
Food cravings: Apples, red grapes, salad.....still craving ice too.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I feel nauseous every once in while, not often though.
Labor Signs: Been having contractions for a few days now. However, no progress with them at our doctors appointment today the measured me and I am 60% effaced and a little over 1cm dilated...I'll take any progress we can get! So I went an bought yoga ball to help get him to drop some more to hopefully help get things moving!
Symptoms: Swelling in places you dont want to swell :), Terrible round ligament pain, aches and pains.
Wedding rings on or off? OFF my rings are tight. I took them off so I don't have to have the cut off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired, Tired, and did I mention I'm tired.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little boy!