Caleb is obsessed with a few things right now. Trains, bubbles, and Cookies. Now trains and bubbles are normal, cookies however is just the word not the snack. He has named his blocks "Cookies" and he must go to bed with cookies and his train book! Then he reads until he gets sleepy.
Caleb still loves his books. We read about 8, several times everyday before he goes to bed. He just loves them and can't get enough.
So many things have changed since he turned 18 months. His speech is improving everyday. He's always saying things I had no idea he was able to. The icecream truck drove by and he looked at me and said "Here come=]
= icecream truck!", he said it twice! Shocked me and my Mother in law, who was sitting right here with us!
= icecream truck!", he said it twice! Shocked me and my Mother in law, who was sitting right here with us!
He changes every week, its really amazing to see. We've been doing more crafts lately because he seems to enjoy it.
For his birthday we gave people the option to contribute to his college fund. So I started him a journal so when he gets older he'll know exactly who gave him what.
This was his birthday present from us, Tim's brother, and Tim's parents. He loves the swings and he's not too sure about the twisty slide he'll like it as he gets older.
Okay, guess I better wrap this up because he's getting impatient. I'll end with a video.